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Thoughtful Long-Distance Date Ideas to Show You Really Care

Woman in bed on phone smiling

If a couple can go through a long-distance relationship, we know they have the strength to go through anything. Being far from each other can be very challenging. But it also gives you the chance to focus on what is truly important and appreciate even more the time spent together. There are many ways to figure out how to make a long-distance relationship work. This is why we are offering you ten thoughtful long-distance date ideas to show them you really care.

Watch movies together

This is not your traditional way to watch movies separately. Forget about not figuring out what part of the film your partner is watching or not being able to hear the actors as they speak to you on the phone. Teleparty is an app that synchronizes video playback and gives you the chance to communicate through a group chat on any of the most popular streaming platforms. Your long-distance love for cinema has gone to a whole other level.

Have dinner together

Woman with cat and wine on a laptop video call

This is a good way to add more sensations to your online long-distance dating plans. Instead of simply talking by video chat, eat the same meal together to feel the warmth, smell, taste,  and texture of your favorite food. You can use a delivery app to order something for your partner that will be sent directly to their home. If you want the date to last even longer, you can send each other your best recipes and cook in front of your significant other. 

Watch live shows together

More and more shows are taking place online, whether it’s a play, a concert, a film festival, or a stand-up comedy show. Find out what kind of interests you have in common and take your long-distance love on an online date. This is a great opportunity for them to meet one of your favorite local artists and give them the chance to understand your culture. And if one of you is an artist, you can also offer a private show to your partner and dedicate your performance to them. 

Work out at the same time

A long-distance couple working out together with the help of technology
We know that working out together is a great motivation, and this is something you can still do while being in a long-distance relationship. You can use the same workout videos or watch a live online class together. If you want to feel even more connected, Just Dance is a dance video game that gives you the chance to compete with each other online. You only need your phones, computer, and the really affordable app.

Play video games online

If you love games, there are many ways you can add this hobby to your list of long-distance date ideas. Many video games can be played online while you are far from each other on your phone, computer, or console. If you want something a little more classic, you can even play board games online in the comfort of your own home. For a unique experience, many escape room games are now taking place online, and you can invite some friends.

Plan a double date with friends

The more, the merrier. A long-distance relationship is not only something you do on your own. You sometimes want your friends to get involved to make things better. Why not invite another long-distance couple that you have met online or maybe some of your local friends so they can meet your partner? Just like any other party, you can play games like Truth or Dare or Never Have I Ever.

Change the scenery

Talking to each other in the comfort of your own bedroom can get a little boring. This is why you might be looking for other long-distance date ideas to spice things up. Something as simple as going on a walk while you talk on the phone, sending them pictures of the shirt you are planning to buy while shopping, or having a video chat while you are both taking a bath can make things way more interesting.

Send each other love letters

Male hands writing "I love you"

We often say that waiting for a gift makes you happier than receiving it. Being able to call your significant other at any time of the day can make you take them for granted. This is why using the old method of sending each other love letters can make you appreciate them even more when you receive them. It gets way more personal when you see their handwriting and how much effort they put into this. Add a bit of perfume to the paper if you want your long-distance love to grow even stronger.

Open gifts together

If you are looking for a long-distance date idea, why not offer something that lasts longer than a couple of hours? You can send her a teddy bear that she can cuddle with when she goes to bed, and you can send him a sweater that will make him think of you at any time of the day. Don’t forget to set a date to open those gifts together because seeing your partner’s reaction is the most important part!

Make long-distance love

Cartoon of man & woman social distancing
You probably think there is no way you can make love to each other while being hundreds of miles apart. If you are trying to figure out how to make a long-distance relationship work, look for adult toys that you can control remotely. Each partner has a toy that reacts differently depending on how your partner uses theirs. There are also other options for gay or lesbian couples. Making love has never been this safe!
There is no limit on what kind of long-distance date ideas you can find. Most of the fun actually comes from finding together what type of activity you prefer and trying out new things. That can include starting a book club, learning each other’s native language, or taking an online class together. Once you finally have the chance to hold your significant other in your arms, you’ll see that all of this was worth the wait.


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