Whether you’re looking for a romantic partner, a friend, or simply trying to get along with coworkers or acquaintances, you’re bound to realize that some people won’t like you. Did you say or do something wrong? The truth is, you probably didn’t, and you’ll simply have to accept that not everyone you meet is going to be fond of you. They might not even have a specific reason not to like you. You’ve probably also met someone you practically hated right away, even though they never gave you a reason to dislike them. Well, it happens to the best of us.
When someone dislikes you, sure, it hurts. Your self-esteem could take a bit of a blow, but that doesn’t always have to be the case! Who we like and don’t like has much more to do with usthan those in question. To put it simply, we like people who we feel good around. We tend to be drawn to those who show interest in us, engage in the conversation, and ask us questions. However, you can do everything right, and you still won’t please everyone. There’s not a person in this world who is liked by everyone who knows them… But if that’s not comforting enough, keep reading to learn what you can do when you’re disliked.
1. Consider whether there’s been a misunderstanding

2. Change their mind or apologize
3. Use it for personal growth

4. Accept that it might be a simple lack of chemistry

5. Consider why being disliked bothers you so much
6. Find the real you
Ultimately, you’re not going to be everyone’s cup of tea... Big deal, you’ll be someone else’s bottle of champagne!
7. Remember all the people that do like you

8. Accept that not everyone is going to like you
9. Don’t waste your time on those who aren’t worth it